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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Self Portraits in Expensive Mirrors

These reflective surface self portraits were taken at the Fox Skylight Antique Gallery near my house.  I had a lot of time to snap covert shots because I went with an out of town guest who took his good sweet time carefully browsing all three floors.  You can read more about that at my style and design blog:

Notice the note in the lower right corner says "Yes!  Cowboy Fold out."  There was no indication of anything cowboy related anywhere near it.  Very strange.

I am particularly fond of the circus poster behind me.

Here I've convinced my friend from Minneapolis to take a break from rummaging through the dusty piles of treasures to post for a picture with me.

I have recently been attracted to gilded things, especially mirros it seems...

Also: lamps, fancy gilded lamps.  I have been looking for one to put on my bedside table.  I bought one at a thrift store, but it's got a blue bulb and I didn't find out until I got home that the shade is glued in place.  Blue bulbs are not romantic!

Two mirros in one picture!  Bonus!

I think I need a chandelier.  And a peg board wall.  I think about both of these things often.

White orbs in photographs are usually spirits.  You'd have to expect an antique mall would be haunted, with the ghosts of antique dealers, probably.  That orb isn't a dead person, just a cool lamp.

I love the contrast of the pretty wood mirror with the chain link fence.

I wonder if this is narcissistic?  Possibly, but it's fun.  If hoards of teen agers can do it and post their results all over MyFace and Spacebook, then I can write a little blog about it.  Besides, I know I'm not the only artsy, camera phone wielding narcissist out there.  :-)

How?  Because there's a flickr pool dedicated to us!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is the fourth picture. I like that the second mirror completes the first in a picasso-esque way.
