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Friday, September 27, 2013

The Vow of Quiet 2013: questions from my partner

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

Questions from Mario, my romantic partner, about the vow of quiet planned for October 2013:

"How will you communicate with me?"
Most commonly with hand gestures and facial expressions.  When explanation is required, with written notes.  Also, I can ask and answer questions if records are kept of the communication.

"Are you facebooking or talking on the internet?"
I can post original photos and videos.  I can ask and answer questions (with documentation).

"Are you trying to keep your answers short?"
Yes.  I will strive for brevity.

"Are you going to avoid status updates?"
I can post images and videos of words, or the documentation of another interaction.  I can ask questions (with documentation).  I can only post content I have produced.

"Are you going to do a public announcement before you do this?  Do you think that's important?"
Yes and no.  This piece is about the tension between public and private identity, about the ideas of transparency and truth in the modern, digital age.  So an "audience" is part of the piece as a whole.  However it is also personal, and though I invite an audience they may not attend.

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